Bag of Bones Press


Horror, dark, and speculative  fiction press seeking to unearth fresh writing talent.

Established in December 2021, Bag of Bones Press was set up with the aim of championing and publishing budding writers of horror and dark fiction who may not have had a traditional or formal education in the literary arts.  

All our submission calls are open to anyone and everyone, but we're particularly interested in helping those from less privileged backgrounds and those who have not been published before.

Write for fun, happen to be a bit good at it? We may be interested in publishing your work.

Let us help you wriggle your way up through that fetid slush pile.

We welcome submissions from everyone and encourage submissions from BIPOC and LGBTQ+.

What do we like? We tend to prefer the speculative and the supernatural over real life horror, but if it's a strong, well written story, with a unique voice, we'll read and consider it. Elements of fantasy and sci-fi are also fine, but the overall vibe must be an ominous one.

EIC: SJ Townend Twitter: @SJTownend Bue-sky: @SJTownend

Assistant Editor: Mark Peters

Cover artists: Kay Koel, David Bowman, Toeken. 

(We're always looking for new artists to join our team - if you'd like to get involved with future projects, drop us an email.)


Contact to get more information 

Twitter: @BagBonesPress  

WEBSITE ART CREDITS: - public domain art by various artists

Ben Whight - pencil artwork -